The Scotts of Buccleuch, volume 1
The Scotts of Buccleuch have been important players in the history of both Scotland and England. The memoirs cover the leading members of this family from the late 13th century to the middle of the 19th century, giving a fascinating insight into many events during that long period, such as the rescue of Kinmont Willie from Carlisle Castle (which almost caused a war), and the rebellion and ghastly execution of the Duke of Monmouth (husband of Lady Anna Scott).
The author, historian Sir William Fraser, quotes extensively from original letters and other documents from the muniments of the Buccleuch and other families. There are many illustrations — not only of the subjects of the biographies, but also of armorial bearings, seals and signatures.

Part of the Holograph Pedigree of the Scotts, by Sir Walter Scott

Sir Michael Scott, 1320-1346, "The Wizard"

Charter by Thomas de Colevill, called Scott, to the Abbey of Vaudey

Seal of Thomas de Colevill, called Scot
The Scotts of Buccleuch, volume 1: Amazon US / Amazon UK
The Dunnett connection:
Chapter 10 is an extensive biography of Wat Scott and Janet, his third wife who are important characters in several of the Lymond books.
There are some surprising revelations about Janet.
Chapter 11 gives the biography of Wat's son Will, but there is so little known that it does not add much to the Dunnett portrayal.