The Chronicle of Calais

The Chronicle of Calais in the Reigns of Henry VII and Henry VIII to the year 1540:

edited from a MSS in the British Museum by John Gough Nichols

The Chronicle of Calais is an important primary source for the history of Tudor England's continental border. It is accompanied by a number of contemporary documents which contribute to the history of the town and marches of Calais.

Among the documents is a series of letters by Margaret, Duchess of Savoy, regent of the Netherlands, who gives a vivid picture of Henry VIII's court whilst he was on the continent. Having been concerned in numerous matrimonial alliances which, she remarks, were uniformly unfortunate, she was now experiencing perhaps the only really romantic incident in her life — with Henry's favourite, and future brother-in-law, Charles Brandon.

The Chronicle of Calais: Amazon US / Amazon UK. For other countries click either link then switch to your local Amazon site.

The Dunnett connection:

The Chronicle precedes the events in the Lymond Chronicles, giving background to the French assualt on Calais which forms a major part of events in Checkmate.