The First Prayer Book of King Edward VI 1549

The First Prayer Book of King Edward VI 1549

This edition is based on a 19th century reprint, "verbatim et literatim", of a copy of the 1549 Prayer-Book in the British Museum Library.

Soon after the death of Henry VIII a Committee of Bishops and Divines began to compile a Liturgy in English, based on the Breviary, the Missal, and the Prymers — manuals of devotion and instruction, containing the Creed, Lord's Prayer, and Ten Commandments, as well as other prayers and psalms. This "First Prayer Book" became the forerunner of the Anglican Book of Common Prayer.


  • A Table and Kalendar for Psalmes and Lessons, with necessary rules perteinyng to the same.
  • The Ordre for Matins and Euensong, throughout the yeare.
  • The Introites, Collectes, Epistles and Gospelles, to be used at the celebracion of the lordes Supper and holy Communion through the yere, with proper Psalmes and Lessons, for diuerse feastes and dayes.
  • The Supper of the Lorde and holy Communion, commonly called the Masse.
  • Of Baptisme, bothe publique and priuate.
  • Of Confirmacion, where also is a Catechisme for children.
  • Of Matrimony.
  • Of visitacion of the sicke, and Communion of the same.
  • Of Buriall.
  • The purificacion of women.
  • A declaracion of scripture, with certein prayers to bee used the firste daye of Lent, commonlye called Ashwednesdaie.
  • Of Ceremonies omitted or reteyned.
  • Certein notes for the more plain explicacion, and decent ministracion of thinges conteined in this boke.

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