History of Scotland, volume 5

History of Scotland, volume 5: 1554-1567

by Patrick Fraser Tytler

Tytler's multi-volume History of Scotland covers the period 1249-1606. Different editions were organised in varying numbers of volumes. This Kindle book is taken from the third edition which was originally published in seven volumes, with an additional volume containing and index for the entire work.

Volume 5 focuses on the event-packed years between 1554 and 1567, beginning with the regency of Mary of Guise and the marriage of Mary Queen of Scots to the Dauphin. The dominant themes throughout this volume are the struggles between the Protestant Reformers and the Catholic Regent and Queen, the amazing unreliability of the Scottish nobility, and the pervasive undercurrent of intrigue and manipulation from the English throne.


  1. 1. Mary (continued from vol. 4), 1554-1559
  2. 2. Mary 1559, 1560
  3. 3. Mary 1560, 1561
  4. 4. Mary 1561-1565
  5. 5. From the marriage of Mary with Darnley to her marriage with Bothwell, 1565-1567
  6. 6. From Mary's marriage with Bothwell to the election of Regent Moray, 1567
  7. 7. Proofs and Illustrations

History of Scotland, vol. 5: Amazon US / Amazon UK. For all other countries, click on either link then switch to your own Kindle store.

The Dunnett connection:

Provides background to events in Scotland for much of the Lymond Chronicles