Original Letters Illustrative of British History, including numerous Royal Letters:
from autographs in the British Museum, and one or two other collections. series 1 vol. 1
with notes and illustrations by Henry Ellis
This collection of letters from the reigns of Henry V, Edward IV, Henry VII and Henry VIII includes letters from Catherine of Aragon; from Henry VIII's sisters Margaret, Queen of Scotland, and Mary, Queen of France; from Sir Thomas More, Cardinal Wolsey, and many others.
The Letters cover the pursuit of Perkin Warbeck, the battle of Flodden, Border forays and the use of spies and bribery; the suspicious death of a Cardinal; preparations for the Field of the Cloth of Gold; the election of the Emperor. Amongst these and other matters of internal and international politics are letters about marriages and christenings, debts and sickness, and letters upon small, personal matters.
Revised and updated 04/08/15, to include a Letter Index (by writer and recipient). If you have a version without this index, please ask Amazon to send you the latest version.
Original Letters Illustrative of British History, series 1, vol. 1: Amazon US /
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