Some Account of the Stuarts of Aubigny in France 1422-1672
France was a second home for many of the Scots nobility. A place for the nation to give or receive aid against the predations of the English. A place to seek your fortune as a warrior. Or a place to take refuge from troubles at home.
Sir John Stuart of Darnley was one of the commanders of an army sent by the Regent to the aid of the Dauphin in 1419. In their first victory over the English, Sir John took captive Sir William Beaufort, brother of the Earl of Somerset. When the Dauphin succeeded as king, he granted Sir John the seigneurie of Aubigny in recognition for his services.
The Scottish Archers of the King's Body Guard and the Scots Men-at-Arms were two celebrated companies in the service of France that were formed out of what remained of Stuart's men-at-arms and archers. For many years they were commanded by his descendants, the Stuarts of Aubigny.
In telling the stories of the eleven successive Seigneurs of Aubigny the author tells of the gallant deeds of the Scots Guards and Scots Men-at-Arms, of the relationships between Scotland, France and England, and of some of the actions of the Lennox family of this period, which included Matthew Earl of Lennox, and his son Henry Lord Darnley who married Mary Queen of Scots.
Some Account of the Stuarts of Aubigny: Amazon US / Amazon UK
The Dunnett connection:
The Scottish Archers figure significantly in Queen's Play — in particular one Archer, Robin Stewart. See also: The Girlhood of Mary Queen of Scots, which mentions Robert Stuart (the surname may be spelt either way) and describes the discovery of his plot against the young Queen.